Thursday, February 11, 2021

"Thinking Difference" very inspiring story..continue...✍πŸ‘‡

That's when a friend of his tells him, somewhere you

 You have not gone mad, your house has fallen,

 Your lifetime earnings are wasted and

 You are happy and distributing sweets.

The man smilinglyπŸ˜€ tells you, this incident

 You see only the negative side of it

 You do not see the positive side.  This is

 It is very good that the house fell today.  else

 Imagine if this house falls after 2 days

 So my wife and children could all be killed.  Then

 What a great loss.

 Friends you must have understood this story

 Positive and negative thinking

 What is the difference.  If

 If the person thinks from a negative perspective, maybe

 He would have been a victim of depression.  But only

 A difference of thought transformed his suffering into happiness


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You have to train your mind to be stronger than your emotions....

Emotions are tied to everything we do. They are the major source of motivation, and a big factor in our ability to think clearly...