Wednesday, April 7, 2021

CORONA - Think Positive Stay Negative

One thing in particular is that there is no need to panic at all with Corona.  The more we take it lightly the better ....
  ... And it is worth noting that physical exercise has a much better effect than drugs.


  The hot water you drink is good for your throat.  But this corona virus is hidden behind the paranasal sinuses of your nose for 3 to 4 days.  The hot water we drink doesn’t get there.  After 4 to 5 days, the virus, hidden behind the paranasal sinuses, reaches your lungs.  Then you have trouble breathing.
  That’s why it’s so important to take steam, which reaches the back of your paranasal sinuses.  You have to destroy this virus in the nose with steam.

  At 50 C, the virus becomes paralyzed.  At 60 degrees Fahrenheit [60 C], the virus is so weak that any human immune system can fight it.  At 70 C the virus dies completely.


  Anyone who wants to stay at home should take steam once a day.  If you go to the market to buy vegetables, take it twice a day.  Anyone who meets some people or goes to the office should take steam 3 times a day.

  Forward this to all your loved ones.




  Please send this message to all your relatives, friends and neighbors so that together we can kill this corona virus and live freely in this beautiful world.

Moral Story

The running speed of the deer is 30 km per hour.  Then the speed of the tiger is 30 km per hour.  If not.

 Even so, the tiger hunts deer.
 Because deer have a fear in their mind that we are weaker than a tiger and the same fear keeps forcing them to look back again and again ....
 It reduces his speed and morale.
 That tiger is hunted ....!

 The same is true of * Corona *.
 No matter how many times our * immunity * is * higher * than that of * Corona *, our * morale and speed * is less just because of * fear *.
 Then * don't panic * .......!

 * Take care of yourself and your family *
        * Be safe !! *

 * Think Positive Stay Negative *

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